Solve for X:

We’ve assembled our own Johns Hopkins mathematicians to help us answer:

What makes Johns Hopkins a truly special place?

With gratitude to each of you for being an essential part of the equation, check out the video to see the variables and ...

solve for x.

Ronald J. Daniels' Signature Ronald J. Daniels, President

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Extra Credit

See what happens when JHU (100821) in the equation is replaced with YOU (251521). Hint: It’s something we hope you have a lot of this holiday season!


SPT: Shuttle Passenger Trips
500,000—Our shuttle and bus drivers transported more than 500,000 people in 2021.
JLTS: J-card Library Turnstile Swipes
387,866—At last check, there were 387,866 J-card swipes at our turnstiles in Milton S. Eisenhower Library and Brody Learning Commons this year.
ASP: Axiom Source Power
160,000—The Whiting School of Engineering’s Department of Materials Science has a unique new X-ray imaging system with a liquid metal source that operates at energies up to 160,000 electron volts.
CCV: Care Center Visits
1,600,000—There have been more than 1.6 million outpatient visits to Johns Hopkins Care Centers.
GOST: Gallons of Saliva Tested
124—More than 375,049 asymptomatic saliva tests amounts to more than 124 gallons of saliva tested across JHU since Jan. 1, 2021.
PSPS: Parker Solar Probe Speed
364,660—The Parker Solar Probe just set new human-built object speed record: 364,660 miles per hour, just 5.3 million miles from the sun’s surface.
WVWS: Women’s Volleyball Winning Streak
66—The Blue Jays 66 wins in a row give them the longest winning streak in Division III women's volleyball history.
MPHPD: Millions of Public Health Podcasts Downloaded
2.2—The Bloomberg School of Public Health’s “Public Health on Call" podcast has been downloaded 2.2 million times this year.
HHVC: Henderson-Hopkins Vaccination Clinics
6—Henderson-Hopkins, a pre-K through 8 partnership school with the School of Education in Baltimore’s Eager Park neighborhood, has held six vaccination clinics this year where we administered 1,323 of COVID-19 shots and distributed more than 444,770 pounds of groceries.
VFBE: Vision For Baltimore Eyeglasses
600—More than 600 free pairs of eyeglasses have been distributed in 2021, and in its sixth year the program has tested more than 64,000 Baltimore City students and distributed more than 8,220 pairs of glasses.
KRS: Krieger Research Students
175—The number of undergraduate students in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences who conducted funded research.
TPOH: Tallest Point on Hopkins
24—The 24th floor of the Carey Business School in downtown Baltimore is the highest point throughout Johns Hopkins.
MTVAC: Miles To Visit All Campuses
9,921—The number of miles you have to travel to visit all JHU campuses.
TNSS: Top Nursing School Streak
4—We’ve had the No. 1 nursing school in the nation for four consecutive years. Another fun fact? Zero. The number of educational days our Hopkins nursing students missed amid the pandemic.
PLE: Peabody Livestream Events
280—Peabody has aired more than 280 performances and livestream events this year.
EAG: Expressos at Giulio's
45,000—The number of expressos served in the café of our School of Advanced International Studies in Bologna, Italy.
CADH: Coffees at Dining Halls
38,000—The number of coffees served in all of our Homewood campus dining halls.

Other Fun Hopkins Numbers

JHU Facilities teams planted more than 107 trees this year.
The hours of music provided by Peabody students and alumni to patients and staff of Johns Hopkins Medicine through the Virtual Sound Rounds and Music for a While programs.
Our Office of Government and Community Affairs and its community partners provided 2,400 produce boxes, 1,250 Thanksgiving meals, 698 turkeys, and 73 Thanksgiving baskets to individuals and families. They expect to distribute another 300 turkeys in December 2021.
The number of times the Gilman clock chimes a year (420 times a week).